Triad Winter Driving Safety program Dec. 13

Our December Triad program is «You and Your Car, Stay Safe this Winter» presented by Neil McCallum, the Driver Safety Coordinator with AARP Wisconsin. The program is on December 13th at 10:00 AM via Zoom.

Last winter (Nov. – Feb.) 147 people died in traffic crashes in Wisconsin. Are your winter driving skills sharp? (Quiz: Do you steer with the skid or against it?) Is your car ready for the ice, snow and cold? Is your winter travel safety kit fresh and in your car? Join Neil, whom many of you may already know if you’ve taken the AARP Smart Driver course, for an informative winter driving safety update that just may help you stay warm and out of the ditch this winter.

To receive the Zoom link, email me at And if you know of people who might be interested in this program, please forward this email to them. Finally, a printable flyer is available here in case you would like to put this announcement on a bulletin board. Thank you for helping us to get the word out.

Winter driving safety program December 13 at 10:00 AM via Zoom. Email for the Zoom link.

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